My Bink Moment: What feeds your heart?

WE ALL HAVE A STORY! Here is mine. What is yours? Share it! 

With the right educational tools, children have the power to realize their full potential. They can make life better for themselves AND their communities. That’s why we all share our time, resources, and experiences in PowerUp’s programs: to give children the life-changing tools they need to succeed!

This month, we’re excited to partner with Project BINK to give you another sharing opportunity – one that will help even more kids.

We are asking you to answer a simple but important question: What was your life changing moment?

Think about why children’s education is important to you. Think about what made you get involved in PowerUp’s programs. Then, just record your story in a 2-4 minute video (Phone cameras welcome!).

By sharing your story, you will help others see the importance of childhood education, and encourage them to get involved. You will help spread PowerUp’s mission – and ensure that more kids receive the educational tools they need.

If you have a life changing moment, now’s the time to share it!

Share your story today!

You could win a trip to Hollywood!
Every 100th entry wins a GoPro Camera.